"Just a quick note. It's almost 10 years since I went with CourtPages, and I was sitting here today thinking what a good decision that was. I was recently at a friend's office, who uses another court reporting software system, and she was complaining to me how confusing it all is. I touted CP to her, so hopefully you get a call. Anyway, thanks for such a great piece of software and the excellent support."

"Your product is definitely a front-runner as I narrow down my decision between management software within the next two weeks. I found your website very informative, the software very versatile, exciting to learn, and simple to execute. The dealbreaker was Frank, his expertise in instruction, time, and enthusiasm. I have full confidence in your capabilities, and I haven't even finished training! "

"This package is actually fun to work with, where Stein was a dread. Thank you a million times...and also I want you to know, that it was you that sold the package, although the software is fantastic, the person behind it was what sold it!! I thank you.";

"I enjoy the software very much . . . it's simplified my life to the nth degree and I love it. Congratulations on your gumption and know-how in creating something like this and then effectively marketing it to other firms. Thanks again for your responses."

"Kaplan, Leaman & Wolfe Court Reporting & Litigation Support has been an extremely satisfied customer of Courtpages since 2005. Courtpages has changed the industry standard for on-line capabilities for court reporters and attorneys through their state-of-the-art repository features. Their web-based platform allows our court reporters to confirm their jobs on-line, check their payroll and print out their job sheets from their location. It also allows the attorneys to download their transcripts and exhibits 24 hours a day, seven days a week anywhere in the world. I can state that as a result of utilizing Courtpages, our firm’s business grew exponentially, have been respected among the legal community, and praised for having the foresight to provide these services to the attorneys and our court reporters. "

"I’ve been meaning to write to you and Frank just to let you know I think you two are awesome. Business is growing RAPIDLY because I’m able to offer the repository AND because I can keep on top of things with your database application. Staff’s happy, clients’ are happy, reporters are happy. I’m happy."

"I wanted you to know that for the first time that I can ever remember of a actual nice experince installing a new piece of software, this was it. You really should be a shrink, you have the patience of Job. For the first time, when asking a question I didnt feel like I was asking for my support person to give up one of his kidneys. I've been using the dos based Stein acct. and I hate it."

"Your product is definitely a front-runner as I narrow down my decision between management software within the next two weeks. I found your website very informative, the software very versatile, exciting to learn, and simple to execute. The dealbreaker was Frank, his expertise in instruction, time, and enthusiasm. I have full confidence in your capabilities, and I haven't even finished training! "

"Just a quick note to tell you how much I like Courtpages. I let one of my office people go and have been doing her job using CP to handle receivables. The program is great. Very user-friendly and has great flexibility."

"Your product is definitely a front-runner as I narrow down my decision between management software within the next two weeks. I found your website very informative, the software very versatile, exciting to learn, and simple to execute. The dealbreaker was Frank, his expertise in instruction, time, and enthusiasm. I have full confidence in your capabilities, and I haven't even finished training! "

"Just a quick note. It's almost 10 years since I went with CourtPages, and I was sitting here today thinking what a good decision that was. I was recently at a friend's office, who uses another court reporting software system, and she was complaining to me how confusing it all is. I touted CP to her, so hopefully you get a call. Anyway, thanks for such a great piece of software and the excellent support."

"Your product is definitely a front-runner as I narrow down my decision between management software within the next two weeks. I found your website very informative, the software very versatile, exciting to learn, and simple to execute. The dealbreaker was Frank, his expertise in instruction, time, and enthusiasm. I have full confidence in your capabilities, and I haven't even finished training! "